Susan Prosser Holistic Therapy
China Blog Day 4

27 March 2019



“I feel so alive as I pedal my way back to the hotel ringing the bell on my bicycle”.

6 a.m. the alarm sounds, calling me from my bed. After showering I jump on my bike and head off to grab some street food.  For breakfast I bought delicious steamed buns and warm Soy Milk to set me up for the day ahead.  I then took the lift up to one of my colleagues room’s as she had the most space where we could exercise.  The Three of us then practiced an hour of Qi-Gong.  Again I couldn’t believe how stiff I felt and how much tension I was carrying in my body.  The hour flew by so quickly, we wrapped up the session, I put on my white coat and headed straight off to the hospital on my bike for the beginning of the fourth day.  

Today was a real treat as I was fortunate to receive Acupuncture from an incredible Chinese Doctor by the name of Rex.  I received umbilicus Acupuncture and the treatment felt really powerful, I was impressed with his wisdom despite being so young.  I will never forget this despite the gentleness yet strength and energy of the treatment the effect it had on me. Earlier that day we had received a lecture on Abdominal Acupuncture (The Bagwa, The Turtle) so it was a perfect complement.  I feel so grateful for my time in China and how fortunate I am to experience this.

During lunch my colleague Merle and I took a bike ride through the streets of Hangzhou and got caught in a warm tropical rainstorm but it was so much fun.

Before I knew it evening was upon us and we decided to cycle over to the lake to watch a light show, even the bats responded to the sounds of the traditional Chinese music.  Each night the lake has life breathed into it through the Hangzhou Musical Fountain, with natural mountains and water as its back drop.  I feel so alive as I pedal my way back to the hotel ringing the bell on my bicycle.  On the way back, I couldn’t believe whilst cycling across the street that one of them was 10 cars wide, not for the faint hearted.

I had better get myself off to bed because at 6.30 a.m. tomorrow we are meeting at the lake to start the day practicing Qi Gong, sweet dreams.

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